OFFICIAL Opening of the conference Under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein
- Royal Hail
- 2~3 minutes Quran
- Master of Ceremony: Prof. Omar Al-Fijawi (5 full minutes for the entire opening from beginning to end)
- 3~4 minutes Speech by the President of the University of Jordan Prof. Nazir Obaidat
- 3~4 minutes Speech by the Dean of the School of Sports Sciences Prof. Hassan Al-Saud
- 3~4 minutes presentation video of the activities of the School of Sports Sciences
*Supporters will be honored after the end of Mrs. Rana Al-Saeed’s lecture
› The impact of using small games on developing some basic skills for students of the football course (1) at Mutah University - ESAM ABU-SHIHAB, Mutah University [Jordanie]
14:50-15:05 (15min)
› أثر استخدام التدريب البالستي والتدريب البليومتري على تطوير الأداء البدني والمستوى الرقمي لدى ناشئي سباحة الصدر - Mamoun Al Drous, mamoun saleh al drous
15:05-15:20 (15min)
› اقتراح برنامج تدريبي (fitness program) لتطوير الجانب البدني و الوظيفي و ترقية جودة الحياة لدى النساء باعمار بين 20 و 45 عاما - Belkis Amani, Dely Brahim- University alger 3
15:20-15:35 (15min)
› دور التطبيقات الرقمية في تحفيز طلاب المدارس وتطوير الرياضة التنافسية - Mohammed Kuis, kuis mohammed
15:35-15:50 (15min)
14:50 - 16:05 (1h15)
Dana room
(Ar) Designing an alternative assessment based on performance and tools for measuring it - Ali Smoum Alfartousi (Mod. Jad Msahra)
14:50 - 16:05 (1h15)
Royal Room
(Ar) Project Name: International cooperation to develop handball in Jordan - Taiysir Mansi
14:50 - 15:30 (40min)
Speaker 4 (En) - Laurent Ballaz (Mod. Khetam Ay)
Crown 1 room
Adapted physical exercise to improve physical fitness and locomotion in children with cerebral palsy
› مُسْتَوى مُمارَسة القِيادة الأخلاقية لَدى عُمداءِ كُلياتِ التربية الرياضية في الجامعات الأردنية من وجهة نظر أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية - Bilal Al-Wreikat, Bilal Al-Wreikat
17:45-18:00 (15min)
› دور معلم التربية الرياضية في نبذ التعصب الرياضي لدى طلبة مدارس لواء قصبة عمان من وجهة نظر مديري المدارس(بنين) - Saleh Amireh, Saleh
18:00-18:15 (15min)
› Evaluation of the Effect of Some Locally Used Herbs (Chamomile, Ginger, Marjoram, Sage, And Thyme) on the Oxidative Stress and Muscle Strength of a Group of Athletes at the University of Jordan - Rima H. Mashal, Department of Nutrition & Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Jordan
17:30-18:00 (30min)
› توافر الطاقة خلال المنافسات الرياضية - Abdellah Alsairafi, MyBeak
18:00-18:30 (30min)
17:30 - 18:45 (1h15)
Physiology of effort
Crown 1 room
(Mohamed Al-Hindawi / Harran Al-Rahmaneh)
› Comparing the effects of Virtual Reality-Based Exercise Games and Conventional Balance Training on Balance and Cognition in Middle-Aged Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial - Ikram Al-Ahmad, Yarmouk University
17:30-17:45 (15min)
› Comparison between plyometric and resistance exercises effects on the symptoms of muscle damage in resistance trained men - Abdallah Al Qudah, Sports sciences department, Yarmouk University
17:45-18:00 (15min)
› Effect of stretching and core training on improving knee strength and balance and lumbar strength and flexibility in long-distance drivers aged 40-50 years old - Chaker Bounab, Laboratoire des Réponses Biologiques et Psychologiques à l'Activité Physique et Sportive, Université Oum El-bouaghi
18:00-18:15 (15min)
› Comparison Between the Effect of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise with Different Intensities on Post Exercise Blood Pressure Responses in Normotensive Subjects - Thae'r Malkawi, Yarmouk University - Ramzi AL- horani, Yarmouk University
18:15-18:30 (15min)
› The Effect of Intermittent Fasting on Body Composition, Strength and Muscular Endurance Among Recreational Weightlifters - Shuaib Baniismail, Sports sciences department, Yarmouk University
18:30-18:45 (15min)
17:30 - 18:45 (1h15)
Royal Room
(Ar) How to use blood flow restriction (BFR) cuffs safely - Amal Alhamad (Mod. Thiqra Alawamla)
› How to use blood flow restriction (BFR) cuffs safely - Amal Alhamad, Alhashimit university
17:15-18:30 (1h15)
17:30 - 18:45 (1h15)
Mujib room
(Ar) Incidence of heart attacks/ cardiac arrest through athletes - Laith Al Khairi (Mod. Ibrahim Debayebeh and Dima Abumlaweh))
Athlete evaluation and monitoring - Analysis of movement and motor skills
Crown 1 room
(Arabe marocain/Bassam Mesmar)
› The Prevalence of Risk Factors of Low Energy Availability in Female Gymnasts Across Jordan and the UK. - Mahmoud Abualruz, University of Portsmouth, Al-Ahliyya Amman University - Joseph Moore, University of Portsmouth - Exell Tim, University of Portsmouth - Daniel Martin, University of Lincoln - Gareth Irwin, Cardiff Metropolitan University - Maria Barakat, Jordanian Olympic Committee
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› قوة القبضة وعلاقتها بدقة التصويب والتوافق العصبي العضلي لدى لاعبي الجولف - Ishrag Majali, Mu'tah University, Jordan - Abdelhafez Nawayseh, Mu'tah University, Jordan
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› What is the best position for measuring grip strength? - Omaya Dabayebeh, Al-Ahliyya Amman University
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› أثر التدريب البالستي على بعض القدرات البدنية لدى الناشئات في لعبة كرة القدم ومسابقة العدو - Haya Alqatami, hashimate university, The Hashemite University [Zarqa]
09:15-09:30 (15min)
8:30 - 9:45 (1h15)
Psycho-social approaches to sport
Crown 3 room
(Hassan Al-Oran/Ayed Azriqat)
› Acute Effect of Self-Talk on Hand Grip Strength - Sajeda Alnaimat, The University of Jordan
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› What is the impact level of using step counters on daily physical activity? - Saleh Hammad, Saleh Hammad
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› أثر التصور الذهني على أداء بعض المهارات القتالية لدى ناشئي المنتخب الوطني الأردني في رياضة الجودو - Manal Banat, Faculty of Exercise Science, University of Jordan
09:00-09:15 (15min)
8:30 - 9:45 (1h15)
Royal Room
(Ar) Movement analysis software in the sports field (Kinovea & Tracker) - Osama Abdel Fattah (Mod. Rama Alcharqassi)
› Movement analysis software in the sports field (Kinovea & Tracker) - Osama Abdel Fattah, The University of Jordan
08:30-09:45 (1h15)
8:30 - 9:45 (1h15)
Mujib room
(Ar) Importance of scientific research, publishing, and choosing appropriate accredited journals - Haidar Djemai (Mod. Areen Almaghribi)
› Importance of scientific research, publishing, and choosing appropriate accredited journals - Haidar Djemai, UFR Sciences Fondamentales et Biomédicales [Sciences] - Université Paris Cité
08:30-09:45 (1h15)
› The effect of pre- and during exercise internal cooling on performance recovery rate. - Manar Mardini, Yarmouk University
11:05-11:20 (15min)
› The Effect Of Prolonged Exercise With Different Intensities On Muscle Soreness And The Circulating Creatine Kinase and Troponin - Ramez Al-Rababah, Sports sciences department,Yarmouk University
11:20-11:35 (15min)
› تقدير النشاط البدني خلال أيام الأسبوع للأطفال ذوي الإعاقة الذهنية وعلاقته بالقدرة العضلية للأطراف السفلى واختبار 6 دقائق مشي - هبه الاشقر, رضوان ساسي - بدريه الهدابيه, رضوان ساسي - رضوان ساسي, رضوان ساسي
11:35-11:50 (15min)
› فاعلية استخدام ثلاثة أساليب تدريبية لتنمية بعض القدرات البدنية لدى اللاعبين الناشئين في الكاراتيه والجمناستك - Mersal Mersal, جامعة فلسطين
11:50-12:05 (15min)
11:05 - 12:20 (1h15)
Chronic diseases and adapted physical activities
Crown 3 room
(Majed Majli/Mohamed Al-Dababsa)
› The effect of Wellness Programs based on Tele-exercise and Nutrition Assistance Decreased Body Weight, BMI, and Waist Circumference Obese Employees in Indonesia - Mury Kuswari, Universitas Esa Unggul
11:05-11:35 (30min)
› The Relationship Between Screen Time, Sleep Quality, and BMI Among Students at The University of Jordan - WAFA ISMAIL, The University of Jordan - Salem Alqarra, The University of Jordan - Jad Mazahreh, The University of Jordan
11:35-11:50 (15min)
› أثر برنامج مقترح باستخدام التمرينات المائية على بعض القياسات الجسمية لدى السيدات المصابات بالسمنة في محافظة الكرك - Rawabi Rawashda, University of Mutah
11:50-12:05 (15min)
11:05 - 12:20 (1h15)
Dana room
(Ar) Football Academies Licensing Regulations(Issued by Jordan Football Association) - Ibrahim Kakish (Salem Alqara)
› Football Academies Licensing Regulations(Issued by Jordan Football Association) - Ibrahim Kakish, Club Licensing Coordinator at the Jordanian Football Association
11:05-12:20 (1h15)
11:05 - 12:20 (1h15)
Royal Room
(Ar) Grip strength and intraocular pressure: from fitness to health - Toufik Bouhedja, Fatima Alfaqeeh, Abdelhafez Nawayseh (Mod. Hosam Barakat)
› Grip strength and intraocular pressure: from fitness to health - TOUFIK BOUHEDJA, Université de Constantine 2 Abdelhamid Mehri [Constantine] - Fatima Alfaqeeh, kadouri university - Abdelhafez Nawayseh, Mutah University [Jordanie]
11:05-12:20 (1h15)
11:05 - 12:20 (1h15)
Mujib room
(Ar) Life quality in the sport sector ( PERMA+H & HERO) Models - Mosaab Hamad (Mod. Ihab Qadoumi)
› Life quality in the sport sector ( PERMA+H & HERO) Models - Mosaab Hamad, Leadership Training Department, United Arab Emairtes
11:05-12:20 (1h15)
Sports nutrition support for Jordanian Olympics athletes fueling , hydration and recovery
12:30 - 13:10 (40min)
Speaker - Toufik Bouhedja (Mod. Mohamed Abouteib)
Royal Room
The effect of some morphological characteristics on the angular velocity of the foot when shooting a free kick from a distance of 20 meters for U17 soccer players.
› أثر ممارسة الرياضة على التعاطف مع الذات لدى عينة من الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقات في سلطنة عمان - Kashef Zayed, Sultan Qaboos University
15:00-15:15 (15min)
› دور المدرب الرياضي في تماسك الفريق الرياضي من وجهة نظر لاعبي الاندية الاردنية المحترفة لكرة القدم - Imad Bassem Haddad, Faculty of Exercise Science, University of Jordan
15:05-15:20 (15min)
› درجة المساندة الاجتماعية لمصابي المستويات العليا في رياضة ألعاب القوى والجمباز - Marwa Alyasen, master degree
15:15-15:30 (15min)
› أثر برنامج لتمرينات الاسترخاء على مستوى القلق لدى طلبة مساق المهارات الأساسية في السباحة في كلية علوم الرياضة (الجامعة الاردنية) - انس الرياحنه, . - معتصم المجالي, . - لؤي المعايطة, .
15:30-15:45 (15min)
15:05 - 16:20 (1h15)
Training structuring and performance optimization
Crown 3 room
Rami Halawa / Taseer Al-Mansi
› Football Conditioning old ways new ways - Fadi Maayah, Curtin University
15:05-15:30 (25min)
› Health benefits of playing Cerberal Palsy football - Fadi Maayah, Curtin University
15:30-15:55 (25min)
› Goal Scoring in Football - Fadi Maayah, Curtin University
15:55-16:20 (25min)
15:05 - 16:20 (1h15)
Physiology of effort
Crown 1 room
(Khaled Al-Atiyat / Muhammad Abu Al-Tayeb)
› Awareness and knowledge about glaucoma among elderly people attending eye medical centers in Palestine. - Fatima Alfaqeeh, Palestine Technical University Kadoorie/Ramallah
15:05-15:20 (15min)
› دراسة مقارنة نتائج جائزة الملك عبدالله الثاني للياقة البدنية قبل جائحة كورونا وبعدها في بعض مدارس محافظة العاصمة - Ola Ibrahim almari, The University of Jordan
15:20-15:35 (15min)
› مستويات استهلاك مضادات الأكسدة لدى مرتادي مراكز اللياقة البدنية في الاردن - Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed Al-Qaroum, The University of Jordan
15:35-15:50 (15min)
› كل ما هو جديد عن التدريب بالحبس الجزئي لتدفق الدم - Amal Alhamad, The Hashemite University [Zarqa] - Ibrahim Dabayebeh, The University of Jordan - Hazzaa Alhazzaa, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University
15:50-16:05 (15min)
15:05 - 16:20 (1h15)
Royal Room
(Ar) Nutrition and Sport - Haidar Djemai, Suzan Nashashibi (Mod. Ghazi Kilani)
› Nutrition and Sport - Haidar Djemai, UFR Sciences Fondamentales et Biomédicales [Sciences] - Université Paris Cité - Suzan Nashashibi, Jordanian Olympic Committee
15:05-16:20 (1h15)